Creative Ideas Using Concrete Floor Paint

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Creative Ideas Using Concrete Floor Paint - Helo audience Flooring Stuffs Ideas, in this article you will find Creative Ideas Using Concrete Floor Paint, and i have provided this article for you to be read and you might take the information as you wish. Hopefully, all the article inside about Artikel Floor Paint, could give you benefit to obtain the complete information all about it.

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Creative Ideas Using Concrete Floor Paint

Creative Ideas Using Concrete Floor Paint - As flooring technique and technology get more advanced, options are wide open for home owners to decide which types and techniques are more suitable for their homes. Concrete floor paint is one of the kinds that improve a lot in variations as well as prices. The good news are not only functional rooms in the house like living and dining room, kitchen and bathroom or even a bedroom that can be set in new looks but also boring basement can be polished and turned into a nice, bright looking space. Basement area can potentially be made over into a more productive room instead of only functioning as storage.

Types of Concrete Floor Paint

Concrete floor paint may not be as popular as vinyl, tile, or wooden floors as it was initially a plain grey paint that did not offer creativity at all. The latest technology allows floor paint to appear brighter, more modern and creative in terms of decoration patterns. Here are some types of concrete paints for flooring:

Creative Ideas Using Concrete Floor Paint
  • Stamps: this paint creates decorations on the floor by combining two colors as the base or foundation and another color that is applied using stamping patterns from sponge
  • Faux tile: this paint can create a visual effect as if the floor is installed with tiles.
  • Wooden effect: if you wish to have a flooring effect such as applied with wooden vinyl planks, floor paints can do it for you. It does need some techniques and several process but DIY is still possible
  • Epoxy: this paint is very suitable for outdoor usage such as outdoor garage or paths since it is strong in moisture resistant quality

DIY Techniques

Most of concrete floor paint is easy to apply independently. But, it does need some steps and preparations. If you do have the time and patience to do it, it is always fun to get creative and explorative. Besides, some easy procedures can be done on your own like the following :

  • in creating fake wood effect, you can apply the basic color first and leave it dry. After that, what you need to do is creating effects of wood grain. Mix four parts of glaze and one part of dark brown paint then using wood graining tool, apply it on the foundation. The finishing part will be covering the floor with polyurethane to provide last finishing touch and protection
  • stamping is also perhaps one of DIY techniques that can be explorative in terms of patterns. The procedure is pretty much similar as the wood effect, but here, after applying the foundation color, what you need to do is applying the pattern through stamping some sponge on top of the foundation color
  • remember to clean up the concrete floor and dry it first before applying any concrete floor paint, and give finishing touch as protection.

That's above the article about Creative Ideas Using Concrete Floor Paint

This is the end of article about Creative Ideas Using Concrete Floor Paint, once again, i hope all the article above could give you precise information and a good benefit to you all, especially to make you comfortable to get the complete information all about Flooring Stuffs Ideas. Alright audience., see you next articles.

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