Showing posts with label Hardwood Flooring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hardwood Flooring. Show all posts

Hardwood Flooring Installation for Bedroom

7:03:00 AM 0
Hardwood Flooring Installation for Bedroom - Some people say that the core of your house is your bedroom. You can enjoy your resting time with your partner in bedroom. That is why a comfortable and attractive decoration in bedroom is important. Many aspects that have to be considered in making a good and comfortable bedroom, from the decoration, the bed, the furniture up to the floor. The clean and cozy floor in bedroom will make you feel more joyful moment and feel happier to stay there longer. For your information, there are tons of flooring types including the materials used to make it. It can be made of carpet, floor tile, ceramics and hardwood. The last choice can be better to be used in your bedroom if you want to get an elegant and cozy bedroom. In hardwood flooring installation, you can ask the professional to get a better result, but it’s not out of possibility that you can install it by yourself. However, you have to pay attention to these steps if you want to install your own hardwood floor.

Hardwood Flooring Installation Preparations

The first thing you have to do in dealing with hardwood flooring installation in your bedroom is preparing the materials and tools. You can prepare the hardwood which is suitable for your bedroom, porch system kit modular, wood putty, vapor barrier paper, glue, saw, polyfoam, ear protection, safety goggles, chalk line, speed drill variable and others. These materials and tools are the things you have to prepare before you are going to install your hardwood floor by yourself.

Let’s Get the Installation Started!

The first step of hardwood flooring installation is to choose the hardwood board and species width suitable to your bedroom’s floor. The next is you have to clean the area where you want to install the hardwood. Use glue at the first lining and apply polyfoam to reduce the humidity in order to make the wood last long. In case you’re your original floor is not level, you may use system of self leveling flooring. Mix the liquid from the self leveling and pour it in the dips floor.

When it dries, you may begin in installing the hardwood flooring. To prevent the water damage in your sub floor, the next thing that you have to do is to roll out 15 pounds roofing as moisture barrier. Then you may start to lay the composite flooring. Lock together the planks that go down easily. To give the extra beauty and strength, stagger the board and tapping with a rubber mallet. The last thing is using install nailer to install the piece transition.

Things You Need to Know about the Maintenance

The last is you have to clean and take care to your hardwood flooring in order to maintain its strength and beauty. You can do regular sweep, clean it with special cleaner for hardwood floor by spray, and wipe it off with soft cloth.

Which One Will You Choose: Bamboo or Hardwood Flooring Types?

7:59:00 AM 0
Hardwood flooring is becoming trend in many families for years related to the flooring for their house. But, there is also another alternative of beautiful flooring which is bamboo flooring. Bamboo flooring can also bring natural atmosphere to home. That is why some families feel like between rock and the hard place which flooring should they go for.

Considering bamboo and hardwood flooring types

There are many hardwood flooring types available in the market. Due to the excellent quality and the variations this kind of flooring has, the product selling of hardwood flooring is getting increasing. Thus, many people make it as their most appropriate choice. Bamboo and hardwood flooring types are both worth fitting but there are several points for you to consider.

Hardwood Flooring Types

1.     The material aspect
Hardwood floor has been more popular than bamboo floor since a long time. Many people think that in the matter of strength and durability as well, hardwood floor wins. In fact, bamboo floor is also as strong as hardwood floor. This can be a tough material for your floors. But, you need to note that whether you want to choose bamboo or hardwood flooring types, you should ensure that those are free from moisture.

2.     Environment-friendly
Since the availability of bamboo more exists in the environment, people start to choose bamboo floors. Since it grows faster, which means it does not need too long time for growing, some people do not need to worry if they damage the nature. This is due to its easiness of the growth. Unlike bamboo, hardwood trees need very long time to grow. This can be dangerous since it can lead to deforestation.

3.     Budget
If you want to choose one which is cheaper, bamboo flooring types indeed are the answer. Though it could be cheaper than hardwood flooring types, yet bamboo flooring needs to be divided into strips then they have to be glued one another to compose boards. It comes to a conclusion that bamboo flooring is more troublesome to install than hardwood flooring.

Relation Between Hardwood Flooring Installation and Hypoallergenic

7:39:00 AM 0
Good interior design usually involves hardwood flooring installation. Yup, it has become an icon or a must-have thing if you want to have great room in both the look and comfort. But, those properties are not the only pros you can find from hardwood flooring. One thing you might not know is the fact that this kind of flooring can let you save more money for medical treatment and see the doctor. True, it seems that there is barely any relation about hardwood flooring and medical treatment. However, surprising information states that to deal with hardwood flooring installation can help you avoid getting the harmful effects caused by allergic reaction. Compared to the other flooring types like rugs and carpet, hardwood flooring is so nice because it does not aggravate allergies. The way how it’s done is about how dust will not be collected and captured. Therefore, if you have allergies towards dust, having hardwood flooring can be the greatest choice for your house and working place.

Hardwood Flooring Installation for People with Allergy

Sometimes, you might not think that allergic reaction is something to be afraid of. If you think that way, it is almost true that you do not have any allergies so you can say that way. However, you need to know that about 50 million people in the US suffer from this condition and they claim that it is so agonizing whenever the reaction has occurred.

For addition, according to an official foundation in America which takes care of asthma and allergy, various allergic forms are said to be the fifth leading serious health problems and it can be fatal. If you can avoid such suffering with hardwood flooring installation, why do you hesitate doing it? Without any dust around you, it is so good for your breath and you can surely expect to get some comfort staying in the room.

Hardwood Flooring Installation

It Is Pricey but Worth Your Health

One thing you might have in mind is about the cost you need to spend. Without a doubt, hardwood flooring installation will cost you a fortune. But, remember that you are dealing with your health. And there is no compromise when it comes to the health. Yet, it is pointless for you to be too concerned about the price since there are so many contractors that can do something to you. It is totally a good idea for you to consult with experience flooring contractor before choosing the type of the hardwood.

They will give you the most proper inspirations and alternatives to you. They can also let you know about the pros and cons for each type such as bamboo, cherry wood, maple, and the likes. After all, although you need to spend more for hardwood flooring installation but you are also able to save some money for medical treatment at the same time.

Large Are Rugs Combined with Hardwood Flooring: It’s Awesome!

6:37:00 AM 0
Having hardwood flooring is really good for your house because you can expect natural theme as well as comfortable atmosphere. However, you should also know that there is another way to improve the greatness of your flooring. Large area rugs cheap are the answer. At this point, you surely want to know how such two-different-yet-great flooring ideas can support each other. Some people find that to use rugs and hardwood flooring altogether is wasteful since each can stand on its own and the result has already been great enough. Nevertheless, if you can use them properly, for your information, they can support each other.

Trick to Combine Large Area Rugs Cheap and Hardwood

It is all about the trick. And here, we are going to revel it. Large area rugs cheap normally are used in your living room and that’s it. Some of you might think it is not really that good. On the other hand, you might also find your hardwood flooring is quite boring even though it is comfortable. Now, let’s talk about the combination between those two. Imagine a spot in your living room where you have hardwood flooring and then you place your large area rugs cheap there. Don’t you think it will be a lot much more awesome ?

Hardwood Flooring

You can throw away the furniture since the rugs will be able to exceed your expectation in seeking some comfort. In case you want to watch some movies there, you can simply lie down. You can also seek for some relaxation with the fluffiness and warmth offered by the rugs. Do not forget how hardwood flooring will make your living room has nice look as well. “Ah, I want to have a room like that.” Is that how you have in mind now? Don’t waste your time and start searching for the rugs now.

Hardwood Flooring

Pad Is the Secret

Once you have got it, do not rush in installing the rugs. It is not like you can only place your large area rugs cheap and leave it that way. If you expect for your room to be good, you are waiting for something impossible to happen. To combine the rugs and the hardwood flooring, you need to have a pad and you must choose the high quality one. The main important function of the pad is to make your rugs stuck on the hardwood flooring perfectly. Wibbling-wobbling rugs will not happen and it is also thanks to the pad to let your rugs have no ventilation below. Do you know what it means? No ventilation means that there is no chance for mildew, bacteria, and other bad things to grow there. Eventually, the comfort will be more optimized.

The Hardwood Flooring Types You Should Know

8:08:00 AM 0
Hardwood flooring types is the type of flooring that is not only available in one option. At this time, quite a lot of hardwood flooring types are available. All of those types can be seen based on two major factors. The first one is the main types of the flooring itself and the second one is the species of woods used as the main material to produce the flooring. These two major things are the ones that we are going to talk about here. This basic information about hardwood flooring is certainly the one that you have to know.

Main Hardwood Flooring Types

As mentioned previously, there are two main hardwood flooring types that can be found at this point of time. Those types are solid hardwood flooring and also engineered hardwood flooring. In both of those flooring types, there are similarities and also differences can be found. The first thing found to be similar in both types is an excellent quality of durability. This value is the one that makes both types to be suitable to choose for long term flooring.

One major difference that can be found in both types of the flooring is that the engineered flooring is resistant to moisture while the solid one is not. This value can certainly be used as a point for you and others to consider when about choosing hardwood for home improvement or redecoration.

Hardwood Flooring Types

Types of Hardwood Flooring Based from the Species

If seen from the species of woods, actually there are so many hardwood flooring types can be listed. Even so, only some of the species are known to be more common to be used for house flooring. Let us say that there is maple flooring which color is rather bright. Other than the bright brown color it has, other characteristic that can be seen in this flooring is its smooth surface. Other than maple, there is also oak flooring which is available in two different types. Those types are white and also red oak.

Hardwood Flooring Types

If something dark is wanted, the type of hardwood flooring that must be chosen is nothing else but walnut hardwood flooring or cherry hardwood flooring. Both of these options own a quite dark color that can create better elegance value in any room where they are installed. Other than the options already mentioned here, there are also bamboo, ash, and also pine species that can be chosen for hardwood flooring options.

How to Recognize Hardwood Flooring Types

8:05:00 AM 0
How to Recognize Hardwood Flooring Types - Nowadays, people tend to beautify their house not simply by picking the fancy paint color or the sophisticated furniture. The choice of the floor is now become the highlight in making a classy house. Marbles can be an option to make your house looks great. But this material is way too expensive and unaffordable. So people start to find another material that has the same classy impression with marbles. Here comes the wood. Wood flooring is firstly done by the people who live in the cold area. It will make the room warm. These days, people start adopting hardwood flooring into their house. Not only to those are whose house in cold area, have people in sub-tropic area also applied this type of flooring. Since the place and the climate are different, some companies sell different hardwood flooring types to fit the condition.

Hardwood flooring types

Since people worldwide start using this kind of flooring, companies begin to introduce various type of hardwood flooring. Those hardwood flooring types come with the same appearance, since all of them are made from the original wood. The most famous types are solid wood flooring and engineered wood floors. Solid wood floor is made of a whole solid wood, while engineered wood floors has made by putting three layers of different woods on it. Both of them have plus and minus points. Both of them are easily maintained. The wood is considered long-lasted and durable.

Hardwood Flooring Types

It has its own substance that will keep the fungus and germs away and that is why, you do not have to buy extra special cleaner to clean it. All you have to do is just mopping it with damp mop. Both of the hardwoods flooring types are known as the elements to make the house luxurious. This kind of floor will make the house looks expensive. This kind of flooring is good if you want to make an investment with your house. Though it has superiority, it also has weak points. It is cheaper that marbles but the price does not make it affordable enough for the people in medium economic class. The wood is also known as flexible thing. So, it will be easily shrink and expand due to the temperature.

Hardwood Flooring Types

How to recognize the true hardwood flooring

There are sly companies that will sell fake hardwood flooring to you. You have to be careful. Make sure that it is solid wood, not combined with plastic or any other things. Look also at the color of the wood. Make sure it is the color of the real wood instead of the stain or paint. Consider the weight of the wood. Wood is always heavy, but if you are buying dry wood, it will be lighter. It is 25% lighter.