Large Area Rugs: Lovely, Practical Rooms Divider

11:52:00 PM 0
Large Area Rugs: Lovely, Practical Rooms Divider - As family grows, the functions of your home also grow. Extending the house and adding new rooms can be both pricey and ineffective. When kids are leaving you soon, there will be extra space because your son is going to college and your daughter starts working in a different place. So, if this is the case, dividing the room into a couple of corners with different functions will be a smart solution. To help you with this makeover, applying large area rugs will ease your work.

Spacious Visually, Divided Functionally

Technique of separating a space into two or three functions and corners is commonly used nowadays. Besides its low cost budget scheme, temporary makeover by dividing the area through applying different wall paints is flexible. The flexibility here is because the colors of paints and position of furniture can be removed and replaced when necessary. It does not need to tear down some brick walls or other partition. The functions are shown through colors and additional position of large area rugs.

Large Area Rugs: Lovely, Practical Rooms Divider
Take for instance, if you want to separate kitchen, dining area and study or working space. While dining and kitchen may be integrated by space but can be separated visually by applying different type of flooring and wall paint. Oval or round polyester rug under your dining table is a perfect visual divider. On the other side of the wall, another silk or wool rug can be placed under study desk for your kids to do their homework. In no time, additional space is ready!

Large Area Rugs: Lovely, Practical Rooms Divider

Mosaic Mix Match

The real challenge in creating visual divider is actually playing with colors, designs and patterns. It should be well blended or else the space will look too colorful and dense. There are two ways that you can do to make sure that separating the area functions will stay in harmony. First, decide the division first and whether different shade of paint is needed. If your home is large enough, applying contrasting colors would be fine. However, if it is medium sized, stay conventional and vary the color only one grade brighter or darker.

After that, find large area rugs that fit or match the walls. Matched colors can be in the same tone or contrasting. Find out about the size and fiber type. Synthetic rug will be good for dining area because it is easy to clean and maintain. As for the study area, apply more comfortable rug. When your kids leave the house one day, what you need to do is only repainting the wall and relocating the rugs!

Variety of Large Area Rugs and How to Place Them Well

11:29:00 PM 0
Variety of Large Area Rugs and How to Place Them Well - Refreshing your home is probably what you have been looking for these past couple of months. No one could restrain the spirit of spring that offers rejuvenation. Despite of tough economy, there should always be space to recharge and renew. While jotting down your list, there might probably be some priorities that will be put on top. And one of them should be large area rugs that would make every guest stunned. Changing the look of your living room, dining area or halls will be as simple as placing a warm and comfy rug as the flooring accent.

Types and Compositions of Rugs

Various large area rugs are currently available in wide range of types and composition, from natural to synthetic. Instead of getting confused, see these options as a luxury of choice. Before making decisions and starting to browse for some collection, consider the following guide :

Variety of Large Area Rugs

  • types of fiber used in rugs design and production are from wool, silk, nylon, sea grass, polyester, jute, cotton, sisal and polypropylene. If you wish for durable product, cotton, nylon, and sisal based rugs are the best option. Should you wish to highlight the beauty and look go for jute, silk and wool. If practicality is all the concern, sea grass, polyester and polypropylene are what you need.
  • natural based composition is commonly found in jute, cotton, silk, sea grass, wool and silk; and the rest is synthetic.
Variety of Large Area Rugs

Designs and Maintenance

In order to purchase the right type and composition of rugs, you should be considering where it will be located precisely. Indoor, limited use such as in the bedroom, living room or dining area may be covered with natural based rugs. If you wish to place one on the hall way or relatively high traffic area, get synthetic rugs. Designs of the rugs will also determine where it would fit best. Unique atmosphere will be best met by Persian and True Oriental. They fit best formal setting and look great in the rooms where you will serve guests. American rugs with colonial design and motives are a lot more casual, and fit well your private and family areas.

Besides the looks and strength, applying large area rugs in your home means also dealing with maintenance. As commonly known, carpet and rug need more frequent vacuuming to clear up from dust and other substance that cannot be seen through bare eyes. Yet, considering the type and composition of the rugs, different technique to treat each of them may be required. Overall, vacuum cleaning daily in spring and summer or once every two days in autumn and winter will be sufficient to generally maintain the rugs. If you’ve got kids around and just threw a party and there are some stains on the rugs, it may be a good idea to leave it to dry cleaner service.

Large Area Rugs: Fast and Simple Bedroom Decor Idea

7:37:00 AM 0
Large Area Rugs: Fast and Simple Bedroom Decor Idea - Tired of old and shabby bedroom ? Well, well, this may sound simple but can lead to some serious problems. Bedroom is where mind, body and soul rest. It is not simply going to bed and dreams. The quality of resting or sleeping determines productivity level of the home owners. Some depression cases are worsen because low quality of sleep. Bedroom makeover can be a simple step to renew the atmosphere of your room and increase relaxing element of the room. Consider of changing the flooring and placing wool or silk large area rugs. This is easier to do than painting and cheaper compared to buying new furniture, really.

Instant Warmth and Comfort

No matter what type of flooring that you use in the master bedroom, what makes you unable to sleep well is perhaps its coldness. This doesn’t mean that placing a heating will solve the problems since coldness in the atmosphere cannot be replaced with temperature. Tone is related with visual. Visual means colors, texture and pattern. Placing large area rugs will keep your feet warm, especially when you love walking around in the bedroom barefoot. The sensation of softness is relaxing and this quality is naturally attached with rugs.

Large Area Rugs: Fast and Simple Bedroom Decor Idea

Rugs position could be places under the bed and nightstands. This will allow your feet to directly contact the surface of the rug. The whole comfortable atmosphere can be easily be highlighted should the size of rug extend several inches from your bed edges. This is very important to create sufficient area where contact between your feet and the rug is not limited. For different effect, you may consider of purchasing two different rugs of similar design or patterns separately. Placing one rug under your bed and another one under the arm chair or coach in your bedroom will also provide extensive space to spoil your feet. Warmth and comfort can be presented instantly.

 Large Area Rugs: Fast and Simple Bedroom Decor Idea

Casual Design

Since bedroom is a personal, private space, the best design of large area rugs would be casual and less in ornaments. Stick to natural rugs such as sea grass, wool or silk. Go for calmer natural colors that go together with wall paints. It doesn’t have to be well matched, as long as both wall paints and rugs colors or design blend together, it would be enough. Next is re-arranging bedding and curtain to fit the atmosphere.

Avoid darker colors than the wall paint. The reason behind placing rugs in the master bedroom is to improve its coziness. Warmer colors with softer touch of ornaments are highly recommended. Too dark will simply strengthen the tone of coldness. Hence, go for brighter yet softer options.

How To Choose The Right Large Area Rugs

7:03:00 AM 0
How To Choose The Right Large Area Rugs - More and more families turn their heads on rugs instead of leaving the flooring bare. Even if you live in the area where temperature is warmer than the rest of the country, placing a rug won’t make your house too warm. Apart of the design, cutting, fiber types, colors and maintenance, functions of large area rugs in a room can be various. Covering all flooring in the bedroom, for instance, could increase drastically warmth and coziness. It can also reduce noises and give some visual effects of the room design.

How To Choose The Right Large Area Rugs

Getting All Element Blend Together

The idea of warm flooring can be applied in the specific rooms or even along the hallway. The second usage will strengthen the luxurious feeling when one enters your home. What needs to be paid attention into is how to place large area rugs in the room without making all existing furniture and wall color crash. It is crucial to get all connected elements to blend well. If you don’t mind rearranging some furniture and relocate their position, what you can do is choosing the right rug and place in on the desired position.

Having positioned it as you want, furniture can be placed on the rug following the composition that you have thought before. If you wish to create some eclectic combination, explore various furniture types and materials. Do not stick on one set only. The idea here is creating blended elements in one room. Your beautiful rug is the ‘background’ and other elements on the rug will serve as your ‘painting’. Keep in mind to minimize rug design and patterns provided that your furniture is classy and your wall is patterned. On the other hand, when the wall is plain and the sofa is less in ornaments, optimize the look by placing decorated rugs. The background color of area rug should go in harmony with wall paints.

How To Choose The Right Large Area Rugs

Choosing the One that Fits

Taking your pick on the right selection of large area rugs may require some detailed inspection. If you decide to make the order online, then several technical questions should be better addressed in advanced. Below are several points that would be crucial to clarify before ordering :
  • padding type of rug that is placed under it needs to be suited with your floor type. This is to avoid damage when rugs are installed. Besides that, the right pad will enable the rug stay still on your wooden or ceramic floor.
  • design cutting and shape is also important to consider. Modern rugs come with various cutting, not only rectangle or square. Depending on the room size and décor concept, different cutting can be chosen for different room.
  • maintenance technique is also important to ask. This is to make things more practical for you when cleaning the rugs.

Stunning Large Area Rugs for Easter Gathering

6:24:00 AM 0
Soon enough, you would probably be busy in planning and organizing Easter lunch or dinner for you families. This is the season where kids love very much. Chocolate eggs, pie, asparagus, egg rolls and other yummy feast meals are on your shopping and cooking list already. Wait up. There is one thing that shouldn’t be left behind, that is setting your home into a fresher, cozier and friendlier.

Different than year and feast where everyone tends to be overwhelmed with romanticism of sitting by the fireplace, Easter is really a family –read: kids- time. As energetic of spring, Easter holiday is the time to move. Geez, while having all the shopping and cooking, you will make your hands full. How on earth setting the room could be done simultaneously? Easy, get large area rugs and place it under living room table and the room will turn to be cozier!

Large Area Rugs

Luxurious Seating Room

Seating room is the center of the feast. Everyone will be welcomed and seated together in this room for some light talks and chats while having light snacks. This is actually where the real quality time takes place. It is not the meal or the drink. Even though you might be busy to make sure that everyone is taken care of, leaving them with your husband and kids in a comfy, luxurious living room will lessen the guilt.

This is the magic touch of large area rugs, to provide stylish touch that brings luxury into the room. This works well for both casual and formal moments. The touch of formality and luxury can be highlighted through placing silk or wool Persian rugs. The design and beauty of the colors will stun everyone. The softness of silk or warmth of wool is the true treat to all guests and family. Under the coffee table, placing six times nine rugs will be great. To excel the look, it can be applied on a carpet to strengthen comfort.

Large Area Rugs

Stunning Dining

Dining is an experience. That what your guest will bring along when they leave your home. Apart from your fabulous cooking, the experience of dining itself that will be well remembered. The menu can be one of those traditional Easter meals, but the way you treat them will make all the difference. Modern large area rugs from synthetic material that brings casual atmosphere will fit best the experience. If permanent effect is what you look for, cover all the flooring with plain rug. This will make dining room look bright, spacious, yet elegant. However, if it is dynamic and energetic tone that you look for, purchase hexagonal cutting for round table or rectangular rug for rectangle dining table.